Scrabble Scramble

Ever had one of those days when you felt like somebody had your number, one of those days that finds you intently focused on your latest project, trying to make the numbers work and trying to find just the right word to capture the imaginations of your potential customers? How would you like it if somebody was sitting on your shoulder, watching your every move, having gained access to your thoughts and plans?

Don’t sweat it. It’s just a silly game on your phone. It’s like Scrabble, but with a different name, and it’s more of a math game than a word game, since every letter and word is tagged with a numerical value. Apparently that value is greater than originally though, though, since Words with Friends was hacked, releasing the account information of more than 200 million users. Maybe it’s more than just a silly game. More information can be found here.

Crossways With Crosswords

Games like Scrabble are supposed to help us guard against cognitive impairment. It’s the old use it or lose it theory. They’re supposed to help humans enjoy neuroplasticity, to continue to connect the dots and the synaptic gaps. We should be learning and getting better, but we seem flummoxed by the complexity of cybersecurity and the growing presence of cyberthreats.

Here’s the best lesson to learn, the optimal revelation of neuroplasticity, the goose with a bucket of golden eggs: Call ICS. That may sound simple, and it is, but ICS has the smartest guys in the room and they’re not afraid to use them on your behalf.

So call ICS. It’s like a triple word score with triple letter credits. Or something like that.

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