Setting Suns and Setting Goals

As the sun sets on 2018, don’t let the lyrics of “Auld Lang Syne” and the prospect of bowl game parties occupy the depth and breadth of your personal hard drive and career objectives. There is, after all, a new year on the horizon, so the time is right to honestly assess your situation, take stock of your options, and, quite possibly, take a look at what the market is demanding these days and how you might better supply it. If this sounds like a pitch, that’s because it is. And if you’ve got a minute, have we got a story for you.

ICS is growing. Not surprising, given the rapid expansion of the IT and cybersecurity industry. What may be surprising is that we have managed to grow without compromising the integrity we fought to establish as a new firm years ago. That can be difficult to manage. The objective, according to poet Rudyard Kipling, is to “Keep your head while all about you are losing theirs.” To do so requires a purposeful stance on growth and steady investment in the right people.

There Is No “I” In Team

But there is a team at ICS, a group of professionals that believes in delivering more than expected, predictably, and without compromise. Our clients are budget conscious but value oriented, and we like to reflect their perspective. We seek team members who add substantive value to our mission and, therefore, our clients.

As you prepare to ring in the new year, if you feel you hold untapped value and potential, give us a ring.

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