Speaking Truth To The Powerless

Adam Lashinsky writes a daily blog on cyber for Fortune, and he follows all the goings on in Silicon Valley and beyond. He begins a recent installment with the following:

“It is an article of faith in the cybersecurity community, but not yet in the real world, that computer networks can never be completely defended. Criminal (or state-sponsored) hackers will get in if they want to. The trick, then, is what to do next.”

Now whether or not you agree with the sentiment, there is an irrefutable element of truth to it. Much like your house or physical office, if someone wants in bad enough, they will get in. The other part of that reality is that we are not powerless in the face of what is a constant threat. There are lots of bright, talented people working day and night to preempt threats and understand more fully the mechanisms at play. This is anything but an apocalyptic scenario.

Pollyanna And The PC

In light of Lashinsky’s utterance of the quiet truth, an active offense is a much better defense than blind trust and wishful thinking. ICS works with some of the best and brightest the cyber community has to offer. As Jack Nicholson might’ve said from the witness stand, “We’re on the wall, and you want us on that wall, because we can handle the truth.” Dramatic paraphrase aside, ICS can help you post a guard along the boundaries of your network and find your vulnerabilities before the bad guys do.

Call ICS today. After all, you can’t spell security without us.

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