
The Golden Age of Yesterday

stagefrightRemember way back, when flip phones roamed the earth and the threat of trojans could be quarantined in the CPUs and laptops in your life? The innocence dissipated with the dawn of smartphones in 2007. Then the deluge of apps ushered in all manner of new threats, but at least you could, in theory, control your exposure by limiting the apps you used and practicing robust password security. Good times, gone the way of the brick and the bag phone.


Bigger Name on the Other Line

Mobile technology advances at a pace that keeps service providers spinning and consumers frothing, but if you thought the competition wasn’t fierce enough, consider the homegrown security threat currently facing the Android platform. As a part of its open source development protocol, Android packaged Stagefright, an embedded media library, into the heart of their system. Through Stagefright, hackers are able to execute code and release trojans through MMS files. They only need the cell number, and no action is required of the phone owner. The violated may never even know. Carrier updates resolve these issues, but timeliness can be a problem. Meanwhile, your data is in the hands of someone else.


Meet the New Loss, Same as the Old Loss

Your network is increasingly vulnerable as every day ushers in new threats. Left unchecked, these threats will inevitably work their way into your work, and the loss will be palpable.


ICS can help by identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities and executing quick remediation strategies. These steps should fortify your customers’ confidence that their sensitive information is safe and secure, an important step in light of daily media revelations of breaches big and small, through global data networks as well as a single cellphone.


At ICS, we’ve got your number, and we want to make sure you’re the only one using it.

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