State of Florida DEP Extends Application Maintenance & Support Contract with ICS, Inc.

Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS) is pleased to announce that the Florida Department of Environment Protection (DEP) has extended a contract with ICS for application support and maintenance outsourcing for fiscal year 2012-2013.

The application maintenance and support contract originally awarded to ICS through the Office of Technology Information Services (OTIS) in 2010 provided a new type of maintenance outsourcing for DEP. ICS had the initial responsibility of maintaining and supporting standard and proprietary applications deployed within DEP, which ICS was able to do at a significant cost savings to the agency.

Saving the State of Florida more than 30% and over $600,000 in the first two years with improved pricing and increased productivity, the ICS service arrangement has now been expanded to include 28 applications across six divisions. Read more.

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