Summer 2011 Network Armor


summer2011This actually happened at ICS recently. A fire in the basement had everyone evacuated from the downtown highrise and about 7 firetrucks surrounding the building within minutes of the alarm. We immediately enacted our disaster recovery plan.

  • All team members out safely? Check!
  • Back-ups current? Check!
  • Uninterrupted power supplies? Check!
  • Communication redirect? Check!
  • Building Assessment and Response Team? Check!
  • Employee notification procedures? Check!
  • Client notification procedures? Check!

Fortunately, the fire was contained and we were back in our chairs the same day. And, we were able to confirm that the ICS Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans are current, thorough, and able to withstand real live unexpected situations. They better be – it’s one of the things we do best!

But it could have been much, much worse.



So often we see clients that are unprepared for an unexpected emergency. Many times their disaster plans are:

  • outdated, sitting in a d-ring binder on a shelf and no one knows it’s there
  • in the “IT guy’s” head – not formally documented,
  • incomplete, not thoroughly tested, or inadequate for their actual needs

If any of the above examples represents your situation or your organization, we should talk. ICS is adept in all aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery planning.

For organizations with existing plans, ICS can conduct a Gap Analysis to evaluate your plan to a selected standard. We can also assist with training, testing and evaluation, including employee plan familiarization and training, table top exercises, time phase walk-through exercises, and full disaster recovery scenario evaluations to ensure you are ready to face the unexpected.

If your organization has never developed a disaster recovery plan, or if your plan is outdated, ICS can step in and help define your requirements and build a disaster plan to ensure business needs are supported, regardless of the level of disaster. We will create a plan based on your specific organizational needs. No canned templates. No one size fits all solutions.

Does your organization have procedures to inform your clients and ensure they are supported? Your disaster should not become a business disruption to your clients. Learn more at

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