The Abstract And The Concrete

The world is abuzz with stories of breaches and cyberthreats, accounts of stolen data and stolen identities. Some famous names are thrown around, names that you know and trust, but the story usually involves someone else, another company or an anonymous cast of unlucky souls who trusted their data to their favorite store or credit card company. The loss is abstract in those terms. You sense the threat, and the threat is real, but it’s tough to generate a sense of urgency to do anything about protecting yourself. It happened to somebody else. And then you hit the concrete.

The Dust That Never Settles

A breach like Equifax, and the many others like it, exposes consumer data in palpable ways, and the victims often don’t know anything has happened until everything has happened. It starts with an envelope from a company you’ve never heard of, a retailer asking for a down payment of half the credit you are seeking to cover a purchase you never made. It’s all very confusing until you get the store representative on the phone and discover that not only did the fraudulent purchaser have your home address, they had your complete social security number. And the kicker is that they probably paid less than 35 cents for your file on the dark web.

Scale It Like You Own It

Now imagine a consumer’s reaction to the above, and the lengthy process required to quantify the damage and set things right. Then make that single consumer a going concern with thousands of employees and mountains of data, and you get the picture.

The threat is real. Now. Today. And you need to take concrete steps to protect your organization and your data.

ICS delivers more of what you need and expects, predictably and without compromise. You want them on your team. Call today.

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