The First Time It Crosses Your Mind


hackerSomeone asked a reputed “Captain of Industry” when it was appropriate to fire somebody. His response was simple. “The first time is crosses your mind,” he said. If you supervise people, lead a team, herd vendors, or manage customer relationships, you’ve probably asked yourself the same question, and maybe you came up with a better answer. It is more likely that you made an effort to avoid conflict and hoped for the best. Human nature.


Document. Document. Document.

But let’s assume that hoping for the best didn’t quite work out, just like the employee in question. And let’s assume the split wasn’t amicable, prompting the disgruntled former employee to cause an intentional breach to your network, exposing your business and your customers. How do you determine with certainty the source of the hack and prove, in court if necessary, the link to the former employee? Looking for the right needles in a haystack of files can be tedious and, without the right approach, fruitless.


To Protect and Serve

Forensics is a method of discovery and a path to clarity. With forensics services from ICS, our trained IT security consultants will drill down into your network methodically to uncover the evidence you need to take action against those who may have intentionally and illegally compromised your organization’s data. We find and protect the evidence, and present it in the format most appropriate to your needs, including offering expert testimony on your behalf.


We are available 24/7/365 to execute a process that often begins with a phone call in the middle of the night. While we hope you never need these services, if you do, we hope you call ICS the first time it crosses your mind.

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