The Pace of Technological Change

Ever have the feeling that technological advancements are coming at you through a firehose? The pace can be so daunting that long-envisioned and much-needed innovations to systems and infrastructure can seem obsolete shortly after implementation, leaving the idea-generating wheels turning almost constantly and your staff in an almost constant stage of change. And yet we must innovate or fall behind and slip into comfort-lined vulnerability. Nowhere is this more palpable than with the warfighter components of DoD and mission-related contractors. Theirs is a maze where the walls are continually changing.

Agile Innovation Management

Innovation Management is hardly a new field, but its role in most technology-related organizations is enjoying a heightened relevance of late. Drawing on work by Langdon Morris of Innovation Labs, ICS has developed a repeatable innovation process for use with our customers, with advanced analytics, knowledge management integration, a customer-accessible but segmented ideation portal, and industry-unique capabilities. To steer the ship, we’ve recruited and trained six IAOIP-certified innovation managers, known as Champions, to guide and facilitate projects that meet the specific needs of our customers. And we’ve got the experience and case studies that demonstrate the efficacy of our Agile Innovation Management process. Read more about our services here.

And if that’s not enough, Tom Brazil, our Chief Digital and Innovation Officer, has just published a book that breaks down the Agile Innovation Management Model. More on that to follow.

So call ICS today to talk about your innovation management strategy. After all, we wrote the book on it. Well, Tom did. And you should read it!

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