To help this effort, password keepers have emerged in great number. Competition often brings out the best in folks, so marketing can get pretty clever. Consider this recent video by LastPass, a cheeky account of password trolls behind the screens. Clever, indeed, especially in an industry still searching for its outwardly funny side.
Biblical Cybersecurity
As Matthew might’ve said, “What does it profit a man if he builds an amazing cyber fortress to protect his global data, but loses it all because Madge in accounting prefers to use her cat’s name as a password.” That may be a loos paraphrase, but you get the point. Your network is only as safe as your weakest link.
Among the commandments for enhancing your cybersecurity, three should be written in stone.
- Establish a robust password protocol and train all employees on its importance.
- Have Madge change her cat’s name to Hg89&5#66Yse4.
- Call ICS as soon as possible to begin strengthening your organization’s cybersecurity.