The Shh of IT

planeA couple of weekends ago, a network failure at Southwest Airlines wreaked havoc and tested the smiles of the usually happy airline and customer base. Check-in functions typically performed by their website and app had to be handled manually, slowing the process to a crawl and delaying over 500 of the 3600 flights scheduled for the 12-hour period.

As an IT professional, you’re sensitive to the plight of those at the leading edge of fixing that complex set of problems and, if your flight has ever been delayed, you’d rather the glitch had never happened in the first place. But when you try to talk to management about Business Continuity Planning, they seem to think that if you don’t talk about it, it won’t happen. Just keep quiet and everything will be fine.

Walk the Talk

Give ICS 60 days and your organization will be prepared to face and withstand any type of crisis or service interruption, big or small. We design a plan specifically for your business, using industry standard protocols and guidelines combined with our own proprietary methods gleaned from years of experience. We know what works to keep you working.

Our Business Continuity Planning will get your systems and your staff up to peak resilience and then test the plans to keep them current. 60 days spent planning for a crisis is much easier than one day spent in the throes of one. Call ICS today and put us on the clock, before a glitch makes your business go south. Or southwest.

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