The Ubiquity of Remote Access

remote accessForget about the Internet of Things. Yeah, like that’s possible. But set that aside for the moment. Another stark reality of our new global economy and digital footpath is the flourishing of remote access. Road Warriors access their office PCs from business travel hotels from Scranton to Sacramento while small businesses choose NAS over cloud services, reaping the many benefits of local data control and network accessibility but facing the daunting reality of localized vulnerabilities.

Cloudy with a Chance of Breach

One common thread in remote access is the vulnerability of ports left open to each potential remote user. Consider this hypothetical:


You have several employees using remote access to work from branch offices. In a basement somewhere, waiting on his mother to fix lunch, a hacker uses brute force techniques to breach the password-protected remote access port of one of those employees, and the exploit of choice is ransomware. You have software in place that is intended to detect and avert such attempts, but this one slides through just enough to disrupt the data flow and show itself. No data is held for ransom, but there is a mess to clean up and a problem to address. And while you can trace the breach back to the port, you struggle with the correct answer for future risk.


The Wonder Bread of Cybersecurity

ICS helps clients address quandaries like this each and every day. Your organization is vulnerable. To think otherwise is to affirm that denial is not just a river in Egypt. We bring expertise and fresh eyes to your network and data, and our clients think our service is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Call ICS today. Let us make you a sandwich and make your network a safer place to be.

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