Using Core Values to Avoid Breaking the Camel’s Back

There’s an old fable about a camel that could carry heavy loads without complaint. One day, its owner, trying to maximize his profits, kept adding just one more straw to the camel’s back, believing it wouldn’t make much of a difference. But eventually, there came a point when one last straw was enough to break the camel’s back. This story illustrates the ‘Camel’s Back Syndrome,’ where continual neglect of small issues can lead to a catastrophic breakdown. It’s a lesson that resonates deeply with the work we do at ICS, particularly as a government contractor where the margin for error is often razor-thin.

Core Values Avoid Breaking the Camel’s Back
At ICS our core values are: Uncompromising Integrity, Excellence, Getting Stuff Done (GSD), Grit, and Selfless Service. We often use the fable of the Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back to reinforce and teach our core values.

Grit: Endurance in the Face of Challenges
Grit at ICS is passion and perseverance in achieving our goals. It’s our culture of never giving up, never accepting defeat, and ensuring no teammate is left behind. This ethos drives us to handle every project detail with care, knowing that any issue could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Our team’s tenacity is the force that keeps us moving forward, preventing the accumulation of unaddressed small issues in our teams and for our customers.

Getting Stuff Done (GSD): Our Success Formula
Getting Stuff Done is about efficiency and intelligence in our work. ICS relies on SMART Goals to guide our actions—ensuring they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. This strategic approach enables us to maintain focus on our objectives and manage each ‘straw’—each task—with precision. We’ve learned that this focus on GSD is a significant predictor of individual and team success, helping us avoid the pitfalls of ‘Camel’s Back Syndrome.’

Excellence: Our Promise and Practice
Excellence is our standard, where we consistently aim to under-promise and overdeliver, aligning our work with our word. Our commitment is to complete projects on time and under budget. At ICS, leadership is prioritized over management, with all team members engaged as continuous learners. This commitment to excellence means we’re always improving our people, processes and outcomes, ensuring that no ‘straw’ of neglect is placed on our collective back.
Incorporating these core values—Grit, GSD, and Excellence—into our daily operations creates a strong defense against the ‘Camel’s Back Syndrome.’ We understand that the accumulation of small, overlooked tasks can lead to larger issues. By upholding our values in every task, we build a robust and resilient organization that is equipped to handle the weight of any challenge, ensuring we never reach that breaking point.

How are you using core values to avoid breaking the camel’s back of your business?

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