We Work, So You Work

Commercial real estate development WeWork is all over the news these days, mostly for its failed IPO attempt and foundering financial footing. Conceptually, though, WeWork is innovative, in lockstep with the startup culture that comprises most of its tenant base. For a monthly fee, clients have access to office and meeting space in major markets around the country, complete with amenities and limited staff. The shared workspace cuts down on overhead, making the subscribing entities more nimble and their expenses more predictable and manageable.

Innovation is baked into the cake of commerce, but even organizations who don’t consider themselves entrepreneurial must shoulder the yoke of innovation to keep their staff and network at the tip of the mission spear. ICS is a firm believer in fostering a nuanced flow of innovation into every aspect of our business. We can always improve, so we make a point of applying that lens to every action, every decision, and every client. Over the years, we’ve assembled what popular lingo might call “the smartest guys in the room,” and we circle the wagons with this group to discuss each and every client, just to make sure we’re making the highest and best use of everybody’s time and resources.

The WeWork model is timely and relevant, even if there remain a few kinks to work out. It’s a fresh set of eyes on the office segment of the commercial real estate market, and most of their customers love it.

ICS can put a fresh set of eyes on your network and data, including all of its constituent parts. Call today, and let’s go to work making sure you keep working smoothly.

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