When the CEO is also the CIO

We’ve dedicated some recent blog real estate to the threats faced by CEOs of big companies and directors of IT departments within larger companies. These threats abound, and ICS works with companies within those spaces to protect networks and data. But sometimes the boardroom table is also the kitchen table.

Small businesses are often vulnerable because they collect and deploy data in the normal course of business and they sometimes lack the funds to properly protect that data. It’s like the double-edged sword of commerce and cybersecurity. You have to spend money to make money, and cybercrime lurks in either direction.

It’s Not The Size That Matters

There is no such thing as too small to hack. You probably get emails everyday from friends and family who, unbeknownst to them, have had their email hacked. If Uncle Paul in Poughkeepsie is vulnerable, you can bet the farm that your business is too. And that’s just what you’re doing if you don’t protect your data: betting the farm.

recent piece in USA Today explores the quandary faced by small business owners. It’s worth a quick read, as you budget for 2018 and the challenges ahead.

ICS works with businesses across the size spectrum. We can be especially helpful if all the occupants of the C-Suite work in the same office. At the same desk. Where decisions to deploy limited capital can be the difference between profit and loss.

Call today. Let ICS shore up your IT preparedness, so your small business will grow and prosper.

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