Who’s Watching The Watchers?

It’s been a strange month or two in the world, and that’s not simply a political statement. There is a very real sense that somebody’s watching, all of us, all the time, and that we should take that for granted. Increasingly, it seems, that voyeurism extends beyond our digital footprint and into our everyday physical spaces. While novelists and science fiction authors have been seizing on the approach of these days for decades, the Luddites are always the last to know. But, you might ask, who is watching the watchers? Apparently, that would be Wikileaks.

Central Agency Intelligence

According to recent reports, the CIA was hacked and methods deemed central to agency intelligence were leaked for all to read. Two analyses spring to mind, one by The New Yorker that examines a series of questions that should be asked about the leaks, and a second by the Wall Street Journal that asks more pointedly how each of us may be increasingly vulnerable to a hack because we have a new view of some specific strategies. We commend both of those pieces to your reading list, if only because they inform our ability to serve you better.

ICS speaks cybersecurity. It is our native language. As hacking stories and breaches enter and remain in the media with increasing frequency, it’s often too easy to forget that not everyone speaks the language of cybersecurity. And that means that sometimes people don’t know which questions to ask or what sound bytes they should fear or ignore.

Call ICS with your questions. We can help you find the right answers.

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