Winter 2010 Network Armor


winter2010How long has it been since your organization conducted an independent security audit? Do your networks and systems meet your security and reliability benchmarks? Which industry standards have you selected as the foundation for your security program? If you haven’t formulated answers to these questions, or if you are uncomfortable with your responses, it may be time for you to perform an I.T. security health check.


A comprehensive I.T. security program includes elements such as information security audits, risk assessments, network performance evaluation, technical security analysis and remediation, business continuity and disaster recovery planning, and even I.T. staff support and recruitment. Ensuring that your organization is prepared and secure means that each of these elements should be revisited regularly. Industry standards suggest that some I.T. security assessments be performed quarterly, while others should be performed bi-annually or annually.

If all of this sounds a little bit too complicated, remember: your I.T. department specializes in supporting the systems that enable your core business. ICS specializes in providing security-focused, business-minded I.T. solutions for global business and government. The ICS team of skilled information security and technology professionals understand the complexities involved with protecting critical enterprise information and maximizing efficiencies. The ICS team can aid your organization by streamlining your information & technical security efforts to maximize your information security ROI.


In order to choose the best security service for your organization’s needs, you must first be aware of some common industry terms surrounding security assessments. Does your organization need a vulnerability assessment, a penetration test, a web application assessment, or some combination of these?

When considering a technical security assessment you will also want to determine whether to conduct internal testing, external testing, or a combination that provides both. An external test is performed from outside, similar to the approach that would be taken by a hacker. Many threats come from within the organization’s firewall – from employees with access to privileged information. In an internal test, the ethical hacker is given network authorization equivalent to that of an employee or guest user. He uses those credentials to conduct the penetration or vulnerability test from the vantage point of users within your own network.
A comprehensive technical security assessment will afford the organization the opportunity to protect its reputation, protect data & assets while complying with legislative mandates. It is up to your organization to determine an acceptable level of risk, as well as what areas you want to ensure are safeguarded.

Security-focused I.T. solutions from ICS provide a balance of cost and quality, enabling our clients to maximize their return on I.T. investments.

Interested in learning more?
Download the free whitepaper: Choosing the Right Security Assessment from ICS, Inc.




Many of the costs associated with information security can be controlled by simply taking a systematic and proactive approach, in addition to working with qualified professionals that are security-focused. Let ICS show you how to maximize the return on your enterprise security investment. Contact us.

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