Crash Test Hacking For Dummies

What if you could work really hard and reinvent the internal structure of your organization every two or three days? Okay, that seems unlikely or, at the very least, exhausting. But what if you could establish a system or protocol in your network and data infrastructure that reinvented itself in rapid and

Cyber Night At The Oscars

It’s been a big movie season, despite the ever-changing role of movie theaters, those large boxes of booming sound and melted butter. With awards season fully underway, it’s time to celebrate the cybersecurity variations of the famous movies and actors, the ones where costume directors get an award for best-placed pocket protector or best use […]

The Plot Thickens

If you got hacked, would it make you feel better or worse if the hacker left his fingerprints at the scene? What if you were a national political party? As it turns out, there is speculation that the hacker who breached the DNC — on behalf of Putin, he contends — left his passport and […]

We’re With The Government, And We’re Here To Help

In mid-December, Jeanette Manfra, a top cyber official within the Department of Homeland Security, indicated that DHS would “move beyond” offering voluntary assistance to companies experiencing cyber attacks and take steps to become the “world leader in cyber risk assessment.” This is no doubt comforting to many who view government’s role as unique on the […]

Reservation For A Nigerian Prince

Ever gotten one of those emails that lets you know your account has been hacked? Maybe it was your email account, and all of your contacts received a quirky email from you unawares, touting the benefits of a particular enhancement drug or the prospects of a Nigerian fortune. Those are pretty common. But how about […]

The Safari of Cybersecurity

Sitting on a shady porch overlooking the river and savanna of Samburo in Northern Kenya. To the left, several elephants lounge in the water. To the right, baboons gather along the riverbank and the safety of the trees beyond. In the middle, just across the river from the shady porch, a leopard stretches lazily to […]

Cousin Eddie And Hurricane Names

Clark Griswald’s cousin meant well, but every time he pulled the RV into the driveway, chaos ensued. All Clark seemed to get out of the visits was a pair of white patent leather loafers. Ain’t family grand, especially when you’re on vacation.


Politico and others report that the Department of Justice has indicted a Chinese national accused of selling malware to hack a number of American and European companies. The general sense is that Yu Pingan and friends conspired to create the Sakula malware used effectively in the OPM breach and others.

The Semantics Of Passwords

One of the hallmarks of successful cybersecurity is an organization’s ability to protect its assets while making them fully available to staff. The right people accessing the right data and moving the human ball forward. That’s the stuff dreams are made of. A key ingredient to that stuff is a mechanism that encourages and requires […]

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