Changing The Pace Of Change

Do you ever imagine you’re in one of those spy movies, the ones where your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to penetrate the secret lair of the bad guys, disable the bomb, save the girl, and evacuate the building tethered to a helicopter?

Acronyms To Mamanym

Comedians have long entertained us with excerpts of our own life and language, the funny things we do and say that may not make sense when taken out of context. Expressions like, “Djeet yet?” and “That there’s a different slice of watermelon” don’t make sense on their own,

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

By now, you’ve probably read or heard just about every aphorism there is about making the most of a crisis, including the one about the two Chinese characters that translate into the word “crisis.” In case you haven’t, one of the characters translates as danger and the other as an opportunity.

Attack Of The Plush Toys

Remember the good old days, when a rotary phone was an oddity and princess phones all the rage? The digital sounds made by a push-button phone were mind-blowing. Little did we know what chaos would follow, ushering in a digital age that would strip the innocence right off of childhood,

Facing the Pace of Change

Ever think that technology can’t possibly continue to change at this pace, that innovation is coming at you through the business end of a firehose? It can be tough to catch your breath,

Neo Masters The IV&V Matrix

Keanu Reeves is returning to his legendary role as Neo to explore the hidden world of Independent Verification and Validation. But don’t let that dreary subtitle fool you.

Who’s Zooming Who?

It is unlikely that the following words will elicit the same response that Aretha Franklin did when she made the title above famous. That being said, the notion of “zooming” has grown so popular through this virus pandemic that the verb form has entered our mainstream vernacular.

An Innovative Book On Innovation Management

We all have to innovate, but sometimes the pace of technological advance can be overwhelming, leaving organizations in constant flux or comfortable obsolescence. Like all things that should be managed, innovation must be measured and replicable to ensure predictable and dependable results.

Shelter In Place, But From What?

Nothing like a global pandemic to bring out the best in telecommuting. The downside is, though, that it also brings out the worst. As reported here and elsewhere—and in line with common sense—

Coronavirus Trumps Privacy?

In a headline that maximizes SEO in today’s political climate, a question lingers about the extent to which we will go to protect ourselves from a virus. And although it’s not a digital virus, the digital community has been called to weigh in on the possibilities.

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