Katrina and the Waves

wavesIn 1985, when IT was an emerging career track and Steve Jobs was resigning from Apple, the British sent Katrina and the Waves across the big pond, walking on sunshine. Fast forward 20 years and we encountered a completely different Katrina and much bigger waves, leaving folks stranded on rooftops and walking on the Superdome. Who knew popular music could be so prescient?


Today, we have ten years behind us of examining the impact of the massive hurricane. Katrina was just the beginning. It was actually the waves that caused the most damage, after they breached the levies and compromised the flood control mechanisms and pumps. Homes and businesses were caught off-guard and reduced to rubble.

Disaster Recovery Planning

In the wake of a natural disaster or catastrophic political event, you don’t want to be the guy or gal playing shoulda, coulda, woulda. You want to be the one leading your management team and staff as they return to operations at planned levels of service, in backup facilities that you’ve secured, using workflows and strategies that you’ve planned and tested. And that’s where we can help.

ICS combines planning methods based on the standards established by the Disaster Recovery Institute International with best practices from our own proven experience to help organizations recover from just about any unplanned event. We can help you mitigate the risks of the unknown through detailed Disaster Recovery Planning. If you have a plan in place, we can help you test it, update it, and even reinvent it.

Call ICS today, because the real disaster would be not planning for a timely recovery.

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