The Pace of Technological Change

Ever have the feeling that technological advancements are coming at you through a firehose? The pace can be so daunting that long-envisioned and much-needed innovations to systems and infrastructure can seem obsolete shortly after implementation,

Equifax Breached And Bled

Following a breach that exposed records of roughly 147 million people, Equifax set aside about $31 million to settle claims. As time increased the breadth of the exposure, a small fraction of the potential claimants objected to the original settlement and,

A Really Good Second Opinion

Let’s say you’ve got this project, and maybe the tail on this thing is very long, with all sorts of compliance issues and regulatory hoops to jump through. You’ve got the perfect widget in your mind,

Open Sez-A-Me

Passwords have long been the sentinel at the door, all while the goodies behind the door have grown more and more attractive and the efforts of the bad guys have grown more sophisticated.

Windows Into Cybersecurity

When your Uncle Howard gets hacked, you can usually shrug it off. After all, Uncle Howard doesn’t know much about cybersecurity.

Careful What You Wish For

So this is the year you lose weight and finally run that marathon. Or maybe you’ll settle for a better work/life balance, though that seems like more of a pipe dream than a resolution.

Jet-lagged And Held For Ransom

Ever have one of those days when you felt like you ended a bumpy flight into LaGuardia clutching the airsick bag with white knuckles, only to realize

Be Securely Resolved

Cybersecurity is increasingly relevant, if not indispensable, in this crazy world of ours. The threats are very real, whether deployed by governments around the globe or

Making The Complex Simple, And Safe

Your business is complex. Most of the people who benefit from your labors probably couldn’t explain the fundamentals of your business, but that doesn’t keep them from expressing concern whenever your name is in the public conversation.

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