Job Postings
Innovation Management


445 Dexter Avenue Suite 4050 Montgomery, AL 36104

Passwords Are The New Buggy Whip

Remember the buggy whip? Probably not, since it went out of fashion at the turn of the last century, not even the most recent century. There was a time, though, when it was an

Alexa, Shoot My Laser Beam

Sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. Your bluetooth smart speakers, along with the voice commanding mechanisms that drive them, can be hacked. And not in the way you might imagine.

The Ripple Effect

Remember the good ole days, when Andy and Opie walked down the dirt road carrying fishing poles and a bucket of worms, whistling the time away as they cast into the pond in search of a big fish?

Legislating Cybersecurity

Just when you thought it would never be safe to go back into the governmental waters again, bipartisan support for new cybersecurity policy could give you hope that the government is actually here to help. No need to bet the farm on it, but

We Work, So You Work

Commercial real estate development WeWork is all over the news these days, mostly for its failed IPO attempt and foundering financial footing. Conceptually, though, WeWork is innovative, in lockstep with the startup culture that comprises most of its tenant base.

Too Small To Flail

The national media does a great job of telling the epic tales of woe, the breaches that impact the names you know, the stores you shop, and the services you use. If you haven’t been affected by a breach in the last several years, you’re either a Luddite (which makes it very curious that you […]

Not Always The Victim

In case the news leads you to believe that we’re always the victims of cyberthreats and breaches—and it’s easy to see how the constant barrage of media attention on big hacks might lead to that—let’s not forget that we sometimes use cyberattacks against other nations,

Meanwhile, Back At The Office

We live in a world of robocalls and spam, a digital landscape that requires an increasingly detailed view of our particulars to gain entry. At that point, organizations not unlike your own are tasked with securing that data against the endless wave of threats washing up on every shore. We have PINs and passwords, logins […]

Meanwhile, Back At The Office

One would think that the fastest way to an organization’s heart is through its network, and that may be true, but one might still be curious how hackers prefer to pave the path to the promised land.

Indirect Deposit

Making payroll. It’s the heartbeat of any organization. While we’d all like to work for free doing great things and moving the human ball forward, those mortgage payments and utility bills remind us with uncanny regularity just how important a paycheck can be. This is especially true for folks in the sleepy beach-bound burb of […]