Scrabble Scramble

Ever had one of those days when you felt like somebody had your number, one of those days that finds you intently focused on your latest project, trying to make the numbers work and trying to find just the right word to capture the imaginations of your potential customers?

Peek-a-boo, I See You

It’s not just another day at the office. There are many reasons to celebrate. The big deal closed, quarterly numbers were way up, and Madge in accounting is celebrating her 30th year at the company. Cake and Cokes for everybody!

Searching For Talent, Building The Talented

Back in the glory days, IT professionals could easily differentiate themselves by the color and prominence of their pocket protectors. Today the challenge is greater due in no small

My Doom Is Still Your Doom

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The leading edge of cybersecurity is ever vigilant against the latest and slickest malware. Meanwhile, the threats that rocked our world, and

Head In The Cloud(s)

Remember life before the cloud, that endless blue sky of digital bliss? Ancient history, it seems. It also seems like folks bury their heads in the cloud much like they used to bury their heads in the sand, a proven method for not dealing with

Where Opportunities Grow Like Weeds

There must have been a time when buggy whip makers simply couldn’t keep pace with the demand, a time when lines would form in wait for corner pay phones, when you could mail in an order from the Sears catalog and expect delivery within six weeks.

Is It That Time Of Year Again?

Hurricane Season is upon us, though it seems at times to be ever-present. The damage seems to reach farther than it used to, as well, making predictability less of a science than a hope. These days, it’s tough to hang your hat on hope.

A Day At Cybersecurity Beach

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, another shark attack rumbles through the public consciousness. Or, what’s worse, a flesh-eating bacteria emerges along the beach. Either way, your summer along the gold coast ain’t what it used to be.

Cyber’s Got Talent

Ever wonder how Simon might respond to a display of raw, unexpected cyber genius? Of course not. Why would you? IT is the realm of the quiet giants, the patient panoply of pocket protectors and

How’s Your Mandarin? (Not The Orange)

Ever have one of those sales calls or conference calls where you just don’t seem to connect? It’s like the folks on the other side of the line are speaking another language, and try as you might, you just can’t get through to them, and

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