Today’s Data Brought To You By…

Net Neutrality has been a big topic of late, and that is unlikely to change in the near term. There are probably good arguments on all sides of the debate, but no matter where your opinion shakes out on the spectrum, your business is likely to be affected in some way.

I Ship You Not

It’s a new year, and the time is right for thinking about how you might do things differently as your organization rides the tides and the stormy seas of commerce that lay ahead. This maritime metaphor is intentional and informative, so let’s see where it goes. To “strengthen the cybersecurity of federal networks and critical […]

Resolve On New Year’s Eve

If you could ring in the new year with cyber certainty, would you do it? Yeah, we would too, but the only degree of certainty that seems to creep into the cyber conversation is the certainty that everyone is vulnerable. And the number and cost of threats seems to often outpace the good guys. We […]

Santa Claus, Cyber Savant

‘Tis the night before Christmas. You’ve hung the stockings with care and set out the cookies and carrots. Your organization’s year-end results suggest that you’ve been good, but you better not cry, better not pout, and here’s why: you’re hoping for even more growth in 2018 and Santa’s coming to town.

Budgeting For A Breach

There is a heightened national awareness of the pervasive nature of cyberthreats in our world. Just as important, though, is heightened awareness at the local level, in the minds and eyes of the small business and independent government contractor. The risk for them, for you, is just as real if not as heavily funded.

Everybody’s Home, But Nobody’s Knocking

As we roll into the holiday season, with Black Friday behind us and stockings soon to be hung from the chimney with care, all eyes are on retail. Santa works hard year-round, but the elves make most of their big-money between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Customers are hard won, and marketing dollars are stretched as […]

No File Left Behind

When you’re hiking the Appalachian Trail, it’s important to leave no trace. LNT has become a maxim of sorts among those who engage the outdoors, but over the last several months, the implications for cybersecurity have emerged. Or not. Maybe they haven’t emerged, and that’s the problem.

What Happened?

Remember the presidential election of 2016? With new books out and some cable talk shows unable to let it go, chances are pretty good you do. And you probably remember the little hack at the heart of much of the controversy, so let’s focus on that, without placing blame or extrapolating any political fodder in […]

When the CEO is also the CIO

We’ve dedicated some recent blog real estate to the threats faced by CEOs of big companies and directors of IT departments within larger companies. These threats abound, and ICS works with companies within those spaces to protect networks and data. But sometimes the boardroom table is also the kitchen table.

From Oslo With Love

Let’s say you’re in the widget business. You studied widgets in college, made Lego widgets as a child, even named your dog Widget. If there’s anything you know a thing or two about, it’s widgets. And you’ve built a great business building widgets. Those in the know call you the Widget King. You’ve put three […]

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