Meanwhile, Back At The Office

We live in a world of robocalls and spam, a digital landscape that requires an increasingly detailed view of our particulars to gain entry. At that point, organizations not unlike your own are tasked with securing that data against the endless wave of threats washing up on every shore. We have PINs and passwords, logins […]

Meanwhile, Back At The Office

One would think that the fastest way to an organization’s heart is through its network, and that may be true, but one might still be curious how hackers prefer to pave the path to the promised land.

Indirect Deposit

Making payroll. It’s the heartbeat of any organization. While we’d all like to work for free doing great things and moving the human ball forward, those mortgage payments and utility bills remind us with uncanny regularity just how important a paycheck can be. This is especially true for folks in the sleepy beach-bound burb of […]

Digital Carcinogens

As if cybercrime wasn’t cancer enough, researchers have now discovered that hackers can give you cancer. Not literally, of course, but in a manner that is certainly emotionally malignant. A proof-of-concept malware has been developed that manipulates the technologies typically used in support of CT scans, and

The Fine Line Between Hats

Ever wonder how razor-thin the line might be between the good guys and the bad guys? What is it that separates the two? In order to be a good white hat, you have to think like a black hat, and vice versa.

We Are Here To “Pump You UP!”

Bodybuilding is a movement that even warranted a long-running skit on SNL, with Dana Carvey and somebody else whose name is less familiar urging on the would-be fitness junkies in an accent that is not quite Austrian. It may have been an attempt to mimic the voice and

A Scooter Ride, Just For Fun?

Have you ever tried to use your data to streamline your business processes? Maybe you figured out you have zero customers in Dubuque, Iowa, and decided to allocate marketing dollars to Cedar Rapids,

The Ultimate Staffing Option

We’ve enjoyed a good ride. The bull market has been climbing longer than any in recent history. Business has been good. You’ve grown the organization, landed some whales,

The Cybersecurity Of Low Tech

Let’s say you’re an orange grower in Florida or a large dairy operation in Wisconsin. While these endeavors still depend on Mother Nature, a decidedly low-tech enterprise, the processes involved with the harvesting, marketing, and

Is Cybersecurity A Game?

For years, consumer advocacy groups have been warning about the effects of video games on our culture, suggesting that the violence of the games and the depth to which the players are drawn into the imaginary scenario often makes it difficult to separate the imagined

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